Byron Bay Tandem Sky Dive

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    Tyagarah, NSW

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    Experience an exhilarating surge of adrenaline as you take to the skies on a tandem skydive over Byron Bay. Revel in the thrill of a 60-second free fall from an awe-inspiring altitude exceeding 15,000 feet (4,572 meters). As you descend, savor breathtaking views of the spectacular beaches and bay during the five-minute parachute glide. Once safely back on terra firma, commemorate your achievement with a personalized photo certificate, a memento to proudly share with friends and family. This tandem skydive adventure includes a 20-minute scenic flight over Byron Bay and is facilitated by highly trained, professional instructors.


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    * is based on links terms and can vary from booking to booking. check booking details upon checking availability